Traditional Costumes : More Postage Stamps of France
This week even more postage stamps with traditional costumes of France. The stamps above and the first one below are from 1960 and commemorate the centenary of the incorporation of the dutchy of Savoy and the county of Nice to France. The stamps show women in the traditional costumes of Savoy and Nice, respectively. The woman from Savoy is standing in front of the Glacier de l'Homme, and the woman from Nice in front of the Mediterranean beach. You can find these regions under the names of "Savoie" and "Comté de Nice" in the map below.
The next two stamps are from 1981 and part of the yearly Europa Stamp series, which was about "Folklore and Feasts" in 1981. The French stamps show traditional dances. The first one shows the Bourée croisée from Berry with dancers in the folk costume of that area. The second stamp shows the Sardane from the Catalan county of Roussillon with dancers in the Catalan traditional costume.
I'm amazed by how big your collection is!!
More amazing stamps - you must have a HUGE collection!!! Erika
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