Monday, May 30, 2011

Monday Mood Board: Duck

This morning we had a stray duck on the fence in the garden. She was sitting there for quite a while and did not care that Peggy and I were in the garden too. It was as if she was thinking, let me have a look what those people and that doggy are always doing there in that garden ..... To honor this friendly visitor, here some cute ducks from our European Street Team sellers on Etsy !

For more monday moodboards see Estella and Esther's blog.

1. SnowStitched
2. Pepponi
3. HamjArt
4. sabahnur

And a picture of our own visiting duck:


  1. cute duckies! i wonder what she is thinking too, maybe she is enjoying the surrounding. we had 2, a male and female. so funny, i saw them and followed them around my garden. then they decide to hide from me by going into my pile of bush. :D
    happy monday, ella!

  2. this one makes me smile ! Have a great week

  3. How cute are those ducks? What a fabulous theme!

  4. such a sweet moodboard and what a lovely duck!

  5. Nice, curious duck!
    Many years ago I had 2 ducks, Caesar and Cleopatra, from chicks until adults they stayed with us and followed us even into the house, now they are in ducks heaven. They were cute and curious, but could be very noisy too.
    Thanks for including my "Blue Duck" and have a great day!!

  6. What a lovely way to start your week, so sweet!
    Thanks for playing :)
