Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Flickr Favorites : Traditional Costume Katwijk aan Zee, The Netherlands

Today in the Flickr Favourites it's the turn of the traditional costume of Katwijk aan Zee in The Netherlands. After Scheveningen last week, we still stay at the North Sea coast of Holland, but go 16 km to the north. Again a fishing village turned into a beach resort. The costume is very similar to the costume of Scheveningen, except for the lace cap which is smaller than in Scheveningen, and the head iron end ornaments are square and not oval as in Scheveningen.

For more flickr favourites see ArtMind's blog.

1. Goes 2010, 2. zuid-holland, 3. Jansje Hageman , 4. Surprise on the beach 3

And two picture postcards from my own collection.


  1. another great read and I love the last postcard!

  2. I love folk costumes. Whenever I visit a foreign country, I like visiting the folklore art museums.

  3. ik hou van die typische klederdrachten !

  4. It's because you say si... I believe you! :)

  5. I meant that I can't see the differences from this one and the one from Scheveningen! ;)

  6. it's so interesting the different culture of the countries :))
