Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Flickr Favourites: Traditional Costume of Huizen, Holland

Today in the Flickr Favourites it's the turn of the traditional costume of Huizen in The Netherlands. Huizen is a town in the province of North Holland. The name "Huizen" is Dutch for "houses" and this has been linked to the belief that the first stone houses in the region appeared here. Huizen originally was a coastal village along the Zuiderzee, with a thriving fishing industry. After the damming of the Zuiderzee by the Afsluitdijk in 1932, the old sea was changed into the freshwater lake IJsselmeer, and economical activities shifted towards industry and commerce. There are still some elderly women wearing the old traditional costume. They wear large white caps with curved sides. The rest of the costume is relatively sombre which is a contrast to most of the other traditional costumes of Holland. The whole appearance of the black dress with the large white cap is very elegant and impressive.

For more flickr favourites see ArtMind's blog.

1. facebook, 2. Only the old wear traditional costume, 3. People of The Netherlands , about half a century ago ..., 4. Klederdracht uit Huizen Noord Holland

And two picture postcards from my own collection.


Nathalie said...

I am always amazed how The Netherlands managed to keep its costume tradition alive. There's nothing left of that in Belgium...

Erna Price said...

another interesting read!

Viktoria said...

Looks amazing!..like nuns bonnets!

Nauli said...

Love your series about traditional dresses! This one must be annoying to wear. The hat seems not to be made for having fun.

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

Must be highly uncomfortable but they would not need an umbrella! :)