My Flickr Favorites: Traditional Costume Cadzand, The Netherlands
Today we move further along the North Sea coast to the most southern western part of The Netherlands till we reach the town of Cadzand in the region of Zeeuws-Vlaanderen in the province of Zeeland. In the 17th and 18th centuries some French Huguenots fled to Cadzand, which is still "visible" nowadays in the large number of French family names in Zeeuws-Vlaanderen. The costume looks very sober; it is a fashion costume from around 1880, mostly in black, dark blue, dark brown or dark green. The small cap is much older; it is made of lace from Mechelen in Belgium and a small carcass to stiffen it, and is worn over a simple black under cap. It has no head iron, so no place for showing off your wealth in gold or silver, and it is tight to the face, so that there was no place for earrings too. That's why they wear the so-called golden cap-rings hooked into the black under cap :)
For more flickr favourites see ArtMind's blog.
1. folkloristishdag ijzendijke18072009 DSC_0215 crop 2, 2. Molens en Klederdrachten in Nederland 20, 3. folkloristishdag ijzendijke18072009 DSC_0054, 4. DSC_0007 crop
And two picture postcards from my own collection.

Looks elegant, but somehow like a widow dress...
I like te soberness of the dark blue dress.
Petronella, how interesting, no space left for earrings! In my opinion those women look like Mennonites (very gereformeerd too)
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