Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Flickr Favorites : Traditional Costume Arnemuiden, The Netherlands

Today in the Flickr Favourites we stay along the North Sea coast on the island of Walcheren in the province of Zeeland. We go to the city of Arnemuiden, where the costume differs from the rest of Walcheren. The costume from Arnemuiden was very similar to the costume of Walcheren in the past, but it changed more and more similar to the costume of the island of Zuid-Beveland (will be dealed with in two weeks), especially the kraplap (bodice) and the shawl. The cap is a different one and very special; it is made of an under cap from white embroidered batiste, followed by a small blue intermediate cap and crowned by a white embroidered batiste over cap in the form of a double shell. The under cap is attached to a head iron with golden spirals.

For more flickr favourites see ArtMind's blog.

1. People of The Netherlands , about half a century ago ..., 2. Traditional-costumes-of-Arnemuiden,-Holland-(back), 3. Goes 2010, 4. Garnalenpelster in zeeuwse klederdracht

And two picture postcards from my own collection.


  1. These caps are really unique. I love how they frame the face! ~Val

  2. great mosaic and interesting to read!

  3. Im still amazed at the variety of costumes in a land as small as The Netherlands. All incredibly beautiful and elaborate too...

  4. What amazing caps the ladies are wearing! And now I know that kraplap means bodice too :) Erika

  5. Beautiful costumes! Thanks for the nice read!

  6. Must have been highly uncomfortable to wear I think. Looks great though! :)
