Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Flickr Favorites : Traditional Costume Walcheren, The Netherlands

Today in the Flickr Favourites we descend even more along the North Sea coast until we reach the island of Walcheren in the province of Zeeland. The costume from Walcheren is colourful and girly with deep cut jackets and bodices underneath; it has a white lace cap with a tail for the little girls and a small fitting white lace cap for women. The latter cap is held on the head by a visible ear-iron. In some area's of Walcheren (around the city of Middelburg) the women keep their girl cap with the tail.

For more flickr favourites see ArtMind's blog.

1. Klederdracht, 2. People of The Netherlands , about half a century ago, 3. Terneuzen 09052009 DSC_0294, 4. Schorten

And two picture postcards from my own collection.


  1. I can see already a bit of ressemblance with our fishermanswoman from that time ... we are quite close to Zeeland here ;-)

  2. As you know, we are huge fans of your series. These black and white photography colored afterwards are great!

  3. I love the fabric pic a lot - it's a bit like 'iene miene mutte' Haha! :)

  4. Ik kwam via Pinterest op je blog.
    Ik verzamel alles wat met Zeeuwse klederdracht te maken heeft, en de fot's die jij hier gezet hebt, heb ik nog nooit gezien.
    Neem een kijkje op mijn blog/ http://ateljee-dekraal.blogspot.nl
    of kijk op Pinterest, zie link op mijn blog.
    Ik ga er vanuit dat je nog Nederlands kan?
    Hartelijke groet Hanneke Verstraate
