Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Button Wednesday : Button Shirts 2

It is Wednesday again, so it's BUTTON DAY on my blog !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This Button Wednesday is about button shirts again. After last week I found also some lovely shirts you can do easily yourself. So, I thought the next examples are a great inspiration. The above shirt is from eskimolover101 on Flickr. The next two are pictures from Abbey Ley and wim-merlin on Flickr, respectively.

And you can do it with press-buttons too (from OutsaPop Trashion's blog; photo by Zeb Daemen)

Fewer buttons can be nice too :) The next kid's shirt is from ferrous on Flickr.

And I love these shirts from Kate Callan and pipnstuff on Flickr, respectively.

The next one is a picture from queenBlingerie on Flickr and it is my absolute favorite ! I love the tone in tone effect.

And at the end of this post a great tutorial for a very lovely button sweater from Bugs and Fishes.

Have you seen a lovely, beautiful, stunning, crazy button or button-related thingy, or did you make something with a button / buttons, or did you even make buttons yourself, blog about it on your blog on Wednesday, and give the link here in the comments so that everybody can enjoy it !!


  1. Thanks for the link to my tutorial! x

  2. love buttons on shirts!

  3. Oh I love that men shirt with the metallic snap buttons!

  4. Incredible the amazing things you can do with buttons! Erika Price Jewelry

  5. Amazing ... what one can do with a button! I like the black and the last one the best... thanks for a inspirational post!
