I am going to make each Wednesday a BUTTON DAY on my blog. I will write about a button or a button-related item / event and will show some great pics. It would be great if you could do the same. Have you seen a lovely, beautiful, stunning, crazy button or button-related thingy, or did you make something with a button / buttons, or did you even make buttons yourself, blog about it on your blog on Wednesday, and give the link here via Mister Linky at the end of this post.

This Wednesday Button Day is dedicated to the Button Colour Series from Multistorey. Multistorey is a London-based studio specialising in art direction and graphic design. It was set up in 1997, the year after Drakeford and Woodrow graduated from Saint Martins. Their motto is "It's about ideas first and then how to do it after that".

Button Colour Series is a collection of wall hangings. Each piece comprises of hundreds of buttons hand sewn onto a variety of backing materials to form shapes. The mixture of antique, decorative and simple buttons are brought together within colour groups which are then blended into each other. The blend is an organic process, with the colour pallete being the only predetermined factor. The piece evolves as the buttons are individually selected to be sewn onmeaning each piece is entirely individual.
Needless to say that I love these wall hangings !!!!

!!!!!!!!!! If you have something for The Button Wednesday, give Mister Linky your name and the link to your button post !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hello there, I've found a great shop on Etsy today, and love the colour copmbinations so much I decided to add a link and some photos to my Blog - I love buttons - aren't they versatile!?
Take care,
Jane xx
Well, although my given name is Barbra, I am All About The Buttons!
They are my candy!
When I was small I was fascinated by buttons my granny had in her button box. I could dig in during hours looking every button. Magic moments of the childhood....
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