Monday, September 5, 2011

Monday Mood Board: Historical

Today I am in the "historical" style - mood (chosen from the styles at Etsy). So, here some more or less serious historical items from some of our European Street Team sellers on Etsy.

For more monday mood boards see Estella and Esther's blog.

1. avgustvarjanja
2. reveriefrance
3. cloveristanbul
4. niftyknits


  1. Wonderful - hysterically historical! I love avgustvarjanja's piece - in fact, I now love her entire shop. Thanks for including my knight - you never know when you might need a dragon slain or a damsel rescued, it's best to be prepared.

  2. Very interesting theme and great finds!

  3. Thank you for including my map of Russia. It's a nice collection you have put together.

  4. Hysterically historical - I love it!!!!

  5. Hvala! Thank you so much!

    It's nice to be in such a good company!

    Greetings to all! :)

  6. I LOVE that mouse-knight!!!
    He's just perfect!
    Love the ship pendant too!
    You have quite a collection there!
