This was my entry:

This Japanese inspired summer scarf is cut as the inner part of a snail-shell/cochlea form. These lime green flowers would be a very great food and hiding place for this green leaf insect brooch from BlueTerracotta.

Now, I am the challenge queen for this week and the theme will be, on frequent & enthousiastic request, ................
"The Button"
There must be at least one button in your creation, and it must have a prominent place ! It can be something actually used as a button, but it can also be a real button not used as a button but as deco, etc.
I would be very pleased too if you could write a bit about the button(s) you
The challenge will end on Monday the 5th of April at 21.00 German time in the evening ! Looking forward to see all your buttons !!!!
And here are the entries:
1. Cassie Little Garden Felt Brooch from swiedebie; The featuring button is a large bright green one recycled from Swee's daughters' cape jacket.

2. Can you feel the sea from viltalakim; Kim completed this felted picture with gorgous stone buttons.

3. THE BUTTON Ring from gr8jewellery: gr8 found a simple wooden button that needed a sparkling new life.

4. Bottle cap buttons from fluxplay: flux made 6 lovely blue buttons out of vintage and modern soda bottle caps.

5. Pink wrist warmers from sofiasobeide: sofia found some vintage bronze coloured buttons and used them to pep up these lovely wrist warmers.

6. Black and white button brooch from violasboutique: viola found a beautiful big black button and made it the centre-piece of this flower.

7. Linen blue flower bag from ikabags: ika used a lovely bone button as bag closure.

8. Wild Beauty from LaTouchables: La Touch used three buttons, two wooden toggles and a large buffalo horn one.

9. Ivory Flower Brooch from AngelPearls: Angel used a shiny, vintage mother-of-pearl button as heart of her white flower.

10. Mother of pearl eardangles from Donauluft: Donau made these earrings of 2 old mother of pearl buttons.

11. Elvis's blue suede shoes from DeerLola: Lola made the most cute shoes with square purple buttons for little Otis.
12. Lime and olive button cuff from ArtBeadwork: Bead made a delicious lime cuff with one large olive button as the striking centre-piece.

13. Button me around purse from LabSpace: Lab explored her orphan button box and designed a versatile button around bag.

14. Vintage provence magnets clothespins from LAccentNou: Accent made her own buttons to adorn these lovely magnet pegs.

15. Aurelia Leather Clutch from iragrant: ira made a clutch from lamb leather and adorned it with buttoned flowers.

16. Biggest button ever from Kreativlink: Kreativ made a journal that closes with a button of 12 cm !

17. The Button Lover Purse from StarBags; Star made a bag for button and nature lovers (isn't that everybody ?).

18. Lavender and cream corsage from ColoursandTextures: Colours made this lovely flower with a vintage scallop shell button in the centre.

19. Amsterdam button cuff from ZsBcreations: ZsB made Amsterdam house buttons from polymer and sewed them to a cuff made of an old shirt.

20. Victorian spring bracelet or necklace from kraplap (that's me :)): I made a bracelet / necklace from simple brown buttons.

21. Black, white and grey flower brooch from TheBroochBoutique: Brooch rummaged her mother's button collection and choose a small carved button for this flower.

Now it's 21.00 o'clock German time; and the winner is ...............
ZsBcreations with the Amsterdam button cuff:

Congrats Zsuzsa !!!!!
Congratulations on winning! Your scarf looks so airy and springy!!
Buttons, eh? Hmmmm...I'll try to come up with something enchanting ;))
Oh, Patronella! Congratulations!
Fun theme with the buttons! I'll try to make something although I won´t be around much because of the Easter Holidays.
Hi Petronella, congratulations!
such a great idea! I will start looking for loose buttons at home! :-)
Petronella, I'm thrilled!!! As you know, I love buttons...and I'm working on this thing that would be perfect!
And congratulations! Woo-hoo!!!
Congrats for winning and a great new theme !
Congrats! I missed the challenge again :( Hope I can up with something for your button one!
Congratulations on winning the challenge with your fantastic entry Petronella! :)
I love your new theme and really hope to come up with something for you!
Congratulations on winning this week's challenge! I was so sad to read this morning that the deadline has already whooshed by. Like many others, I thought it would be this afternoon. Oh well, next time...
Great new challenge theme. I love that it's so versatile and widely interpretable. I'll do my best to meet the deadline this time. ;)
Wishing you a wonderful week! :)
Gefeliciteerd Petronella!!
ik zal mijn best doen, ok? (Doe ik elke week, maar het lukt me niet alijd om mee te doen,:( )
great theme ! I hope I can participate this week !!
Great challenge! I think I might participate this time :D
Congrats for winning the challenge!
Great new theme!
Great new theme!
I am so sorry that some of you didn´t catch the deadline!
I was sure to make it right the way I did. Fact is: I won the first challenge I joined, so I have learnt really a lot this week!.... learning by doing so to say...Thinking about buttons now........
Great theme, I would have expected earlier from you :))
Oh congrats on winning,
no wonder,
that is a beautiful Piece!!!!
The New Them is so much Fun,
really hope I can do something:)
It is always the same, it is a question of Time....
ok, buttons can't be a problem for me!
cooooooooooooool theme!
Congrats Petronella!
So funny theme :)
Button hmmm, think think think...
Congrats Petronella!!!
Leuk thema, helemaal jij!
Zelf waarschijnlijk geen tijd, maar ik kijk graag uit naar de inzendingen!
Oooh I like this theme, buttons are awesome! I have a bit of an idea, I'll try to enter if I get time to make my idea :) Well done for winning with your lovely scarf, Petronella! xx
congrats on your win, petronella! and love the new theme :))
Congrats on winning with your lovely scarf!
*searching for buttons to add to my jewellery*
Well done! Your submission was really lovely and quite unique. I will try to respond to the Button Challenge: it gives me a really inspiring starting point for my next creation. I hope it all comes together nicely at some point...--- before the deadline! ;))
Congrats on winning! Your scarf is beautiful and would indeed make a perfect hiding place for my leaf insect brooch! Great theme for the new challenge:)
congrats for winning!!..and I'll try to participate
Congrats! Love the theme, love buttons..will send my entry at once! Love//Eva Sweden
Hi Petronella, congratulations!
WOW so many lovely entries!
I'm ALMOST ready with my entry! :)) Am having SOOOO much fun making this item! Thank you for the theme! I would never have come with this if it hadn't been for this challenge!
Great button entries! :) Thank you for mine as well! I love buttons! :)))
I am impressed by all the entries! I wish I could join you, but to paint a button ;-) or put a button on a painting...;-)
I love watching what you all created girls!!!!!
- Nancy
Oh gosh! I fancy that journal! fantastic theme P8:)
Congrats on winning. I love this button challenge and seeing what everyone has come up with.
Wow! The entries are absolutely fabulous! Your lovely theme seems to have been a great source for inspiration :) Well done everybody!!!
Great entries! Unfortunately mine will not be finished in time, they're still in the oven. Pestering headache kept me from work last week. Thanks so much for including my animal buttons in your best button treasury!
take care, Annemiek - TwoTreesBelgium
Fantastic entries to the button themed favourite's the journal with the enormous button fastening.
I've just GOT to have a go at one of these challenges!
all amazing....but that green cuff
Wow, I'm impressed! SO many amazing entries! Don't know which one I would choose - hard to pick a winner!
Wonderful work everyone! Well done! :)
Congratz! Beautiful entries and very good winner!!!!
congrats to ZSB!!
I want to say thank you to Kraplap for kind hosting and congratulations to Zsuzsa :)
Congrats to the winner! beautiful cuff! I am curious about the next!
Congrats!!!! It's a really cool cuff!!!:)
Well,....that was fun!
So sorry I missed this challenge. Entries are great, congrats to the winner!
Hello - I came across your blog after finding an image of one of your bags on Pinterest while I was searching for some fresh ideas for my handbag website (no don't worry, not to copy :) )- I am glad I found your blog, you do great work - do you sell any of your finished work?
Here is where I saw your bag on Pinterest, toward the bottom of the page -
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