Surfing on the internet I found the most incredible button artist you can ever imagine. Her name is Ran Hwang and she is from Korea. Her enormous wall displays are beautiful scenes like flowered trees, Chinese vases or Birds that,
as you look closely, suddenly appear to be made entirely of pinned buttons.

Her art works have a subtle but dramatic look and I love it all. Better than to describe it I will let her talk by herself and show you some pictures of her work.
Ran Hwang says: "My immense wall installations are extremely time consuming and repetitive manual work. This is a form of meditative practice that helps me to find inner peace. Pins ure used to hold buttons onto the surface to form a silhouetted image. No adhesive is used so that buttons are free to stay and move, which implies the genetic human tendency to be irresolute. I use buttons, because they are common and ordinary, like the existence of human beings."

I would love to see her work in real, so I am gathering all the information I can get of her and her ART. If you ever see something from her, please take a picture for me. And if you ever read or hear something about her, please let me know.

Websites I used for this review:
Ran Hwang
Kashya Hildebrand, Zürich: Artists Represented - Ran Hwang
Buttons and Pins - Ran Hwang
wowwww...that is FANTASTICCCCCC....
thank you for sharing P8:-)
oh and wow - I am speechless....this is amazing and divine.
hats off.
( ((( WOW )) ) )
Niet te geloven! Thanks so much P8 for sharing!
OMG how beautiful !!!
Unbelievable! Have you found out how she attaches the buttons??
Do you feel like trying something similar yourself?
wawwww this is really impressive !!!
Have you seen this one: http://www.middleeastinteriors.com/news.asp?secid=399&artid=1427 ?
without any other words!
thank you so much for sharing!
What an amazing artist!!!
I never cease to be amazed at the raw talent and imagination there is out there!
Amazing artwork!
Wow. Amazing. I would love to see them in real life, too.
Oh beautiful!!! Thank you for sharing!!!
wouw, wat een monnikenwerk!! heel mooi
Amazing! Thanks for sharing, it's absolutely impressive !
wow this is a real amzing artist!! Thanks for sharing!
wowwowwow fantastic!!!!!
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