Friday evening our dog Lemy became suddenly seriously ill; up to that moment she had been very lively, we even played ball that afternoon. We went to the vet on Saturday morning, and he diagnosed an acute pancreatitis. He gave her an injection against the pain, antibiotics, took blood for tests and told us she was not allowed to eat or drink for a couple of days. So we got a lot of bottles with fluid with us and had to put her on the drain. Saturday night was hell; she had so much pain and started to pant very fast, something she kept doing till her death. She kept going outside, pacing around and digging holes, vomiting and panting. Terrible, that face of pain, panic and not-understanding I will never forget. Sunday morning we phoned the vet and he gave her a very heavy shot against her pains. That helped a bit; she became a bit more quiet. Monday morning we could go to the scanner and in the afternoon the blood test results were there; it was clear that she had a very heavy liver disorder. In the afternoon, I had her on my lap and started to stroke her head and behind her ears; she clearly liked that and reacted on it by staying with me on my lap and asking for more, something we could not achieve in the few days of her illness before that point because she was much to much upstressed until that moment. Now she stayed on my lap and I stroked her for an hour and then she fell unconscious. We went to the vet, he did an emergency operation and that proved she had a very severe cardial infarct. At that moment we decided to let her pass away.
I am still devastated that my little baby had to suffer so much, and that I could not help her. And I think it's pretty unfair that such a lively little dog who has done nothing wrong has to die in this way. She was my little baby, I loved her as my own child and I will never forget her.

Oh Petronella, to read that story brings tears in my eyes.
I'm so sorry for you and wish I could say something to make the pain a bit less. But I think, the only thing that really helps is time...
Oh such a horrible way to go, I am crying for you and your dog. Big hug and lots of strength.
Tears are just flowing from my eyes, and I really can't cry now because I'm at work...
Oh, I know what you must be feeling, I've been through the same a couple years ago.
It does get better with time..
For now, I just want to give you a virtual hug.
I don't know what to say, is so sad:(
Big hugs for you krap...
So sad that this has happened to you Kraplap, she looks so sweet. It's horrible to see a pet suffer, i hope the memories of good times with her will get you through this loss. Big Hugs
I'm crying reading about you and Lemy. I feel your lost, P8! Wishing you a lot of strength *big hug*
No words can make it better... so sorry for you **HUGS**
Like everyone else, I'm crying here...I know how it feels, they are like your children and it is just so hard to let go...
Hope you will feel better soon, remember the nice days with her and remember she was loved and had a nice life with you, she was lucky to have you and she was loved to the very end.
*big hugs*
This little story about your doggy brings also me to tears, he looked such a cutie! You have to remember all the pleasant times with her, it was so good that you were with her in these last moments,
Big Hug
I'm so sorry :( She looked such a character - love the little life jacket photo. I'm sure she felt loved and cared for right to the end.
So sorry for all of you. She was sooo cute. Yes, you'll get better over time, but for now you just have to go trough all that pain... Do hold to the good memories, dont let them be shadowed by those last hours!
I wish you and your family lots of strength and a lot of hugs!
I know even the warmest hug can´t solace in moments like that - my deepest condolence, dear Petronella. She had happy life with you and rests now peacefully in dog's heaven...
I am so sorry for your! It feels really bad to lose a animal friend or baby! I am sure he had a good life with you!
I'm so sorry and sad. :( You were a comfort to her, I know she will be remembering that and be grateful.
I'm so sorry for your loss. She was a beautiful companion.
I am so sorry to read about your little dog..It broke my heart..They give love and ask for nothing in return..You did all you could for him and that,I hope, will give you some consolation.
I am so very sorry you and your baby had to go through this. *hugs*
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